4 More Years! Where To Go Now?
Are we there yet? The airports are still functioning, the grocery stores are still open, The stock market didn’t crash, and democracy has won again, no matter how messy we make it. The decline in democracy is not real. We here at Jomo Super Pac were all in for get the vote out. We think more people got involved in this election than before. But there were still 90 million registered voters that didn’t vote (36%). We need to use this as a learning experience. Yes, it is going to be a challenging time before we get to use our right to vote again. The congress is not split for 2 years and we have put up with both parties switching places the last 24 years.
Move the needle or stay put?

Well we really only have 2 years before we can make our votes count again. The 2026 Mid Term elections are coming up next. Our voices can still be heard. If you didn’t register to vote or stayed away, then now is the time to get involved. 6 out of 10 people were not happy with the choices we had this presidential election. We are still a divided nation. This is unacceptable. So where do we go from here?
At Jomo Super Pac we are committed to issues that might be your issues also. We helped with voter registration and issue awareness. We are working to support the new congress to pass a Term Limit Amendment. We are working towards Restrictions of Transwomen in female sports. The fourth pillar of the Super Pac is involvement in the Mental Health Community to drive awareness, financial support, and encouragement to bring it to the forefront of society.
Who’s for moving forward!
The country split 50.1%-48.3% with 60% of voters say they didn’t like their choices. Why can’t we use this election like none other to really make some changes, good changes. Economy, race, immigration, foreign policy, National Debt, mental health, and holding politician accountable. Politicians, both sides, say and promise everything they can to get into power. Then when elected they immediately start running for re-election. Our Super Pac is for Term Limits in Congress. There is a bill in congress that can begin the process. We will support those politicians that will support this bill to make it an amendment.
Who can solve the problems that we are facing. We cannot KICK THE CAN anymore. Who are your top 5 people you would choose to put in place for answers. Are there 5 people who could do the job? Provide the right plan and roadmap so we have a chance to be better as Americans, and continue to be a beacon to the world for Freedom! And as always this is just one man’s opinion.
Sincerely and God Bless,