Transgender or Extraterrestrial?

I grew up with the stories about Area 51. I’ve seen photos and read stories but have not seen any evidence of extraterrestrial aliens. I know there are people who are die hard believers in things from outer space. I’ve watched many shows on UFO’s and watched documentaries on unexplained phenomena. But still no evidence. I would expect if the government had any spacecraft or evidence, then they would contact someone with extraordinary intelligence. Someone like Elon Musk or Bill Gates. They surely would be up to the task of protecting us from an alien invasion or use the data to provide solutions to our many problems here on the planet.
The same can be said of transgenders. I’ve never seen one. I’ve never seen any evidence that someone can change their sex. I know many are trying. Medical society is using drugs and surgeries, but no one has succeeded. If someone can prove that a biological male can produce eggs or a biological female can produce sperm, then modern science has accomplished something miraculous.
Why should we allow this?
Again, nothing wrong with trying. Both to see if there is life beyond this world or if people can just decide what gender they want to be. Just as we shouldn’t ridicule the people spending millions on trying to prove that something is out there, we shouldn’t ridicule people trying to find their place here on this planet. No one should be bullied or threatened for their beliefs. Not religious, political, or beliefs. But that doesn’t mean they’re right. I can listen and understand their viewpoint, but I have the right to believe what I believe.
But wanting to be a sex that you’re not born with has consequences. That’s why space companies have redundant systems before and after launches to protect their astronauts and cargo. We have blown things up before.We also need to protect our kids. 12-13 year olds can’t drive legally, can’t buy cigarettes and alcohol, legally. Can’t buy guns or ammo, so they should not be forced to make alterations to their body, whether they choose to or if someone influences them.
How does this help?
Look at all the old people who have lived the life of LG’s. They never have succeeded in getting to the other side. It’s been their choice to live like the other sex. I somewhat respect the Drag Queens. At least they have acknowledged they can’t change, but they can dress up and pretend to be. I realize this country was built on freedom. We have the best system of freedoms, but we still have far to go. We still have far to go in solving the problems we face here. Our freedoms rub up against other people’s freedom. How we react to that friction is how we sustain this planet. We must protect the young girls of this world. They deserve our respect. But as always this is just one man’s opinion.