Think Longshoremen don’t like AI, Just wait
Now that they have kicked the can to January on pay increases, the real problem is how will these workers be able to pass their skill and knowledge down to the next generation. Frank Lloyd Wright said ” The present is the ever moving line that divides yesterday from tomorrow. In that lies hope”. Some of these Men and Women are generational employees, much like every other type of business or corporation .

Mechanical innovations have been around since Henry Ford’s assembly line began with automobiles Bessemer began the tire revolution. Remember how Eli Whitney’s cotton gin revolutionized the south’s cotton industry. And who could forget the famous Wright brothers and our evolution to Nasa and Space x.
Our shipping channels are of such vital importance, not only to us but also the world. It must keep up with new machines. No longer are longshoreman unloading ships by hand like the 1800’s. No longer are consumers willing to wait for months on our products. Our appetite for products from coffee to IPhones are insatiable. Capitalism is not very patient. When the world is trying to sell goods on one continent and ship to another then time is money.
The whole world is connected is some way

Even Mexico is using the technology to create a modern overland canal that may possibly move goods faster that the Panama Canal, which is still a valid form for shipping channels. A lot of people are worried about being replaced by robots ( watch Will Smith in IRobots):) Machines and technology are a blessing and a curse. People talk to AI on the phone. We use AI to write papers, ChatGPT, and produce advertisements. You can even use AI to build a website! Not this one of course, this one is human designed. The gift we have is that Artificial Intelligence is not human, it’s man made. We should honor the past, respect the present, and lean in to the future. And as always, this is just one man’s opinion.
Sincerely and God Bless,