Have you VOTED YET!!
We are a week away from a new chapter in history. Either a first women president or a re-election of a former president (would be only the second able to do it). Over 50 million ballots, as of Tuesday, have been cast. If you are part of, according to Steve Ballmer’s USA Facts, the 189.5 Million Registered voters, IT’S TIME .Whether your planning on voting on November 5th, or going to vote early, or getting your mail-in ballot ready, Make your plans now! We have been, as our mission statement shows, helping people get ready.
Early voting is down from 2020
In 2020, according to the Census Bureau, over two-thirds voted in the presidential election. That was a 30 year high. Let’s beat that number this time. Everyone needs to participate since we have the liberty to choose. Not just the president, but Senators, US Representatives, State and local offices as well. There were 56.5 million registered voters that did not participate. Why have a membership card or a rewards card if your not going to use it. The more that people participate the truer our beliefs are represented.

Yes, I know we have an Electoral College that elects our president, but every vote counts. What if your candidate loses by a vote and you didn’t vote. What if the other candidate wins by a vote and you didn’t vote. We are going to spend the next 4 years of our lives with this leader of the free world, even though the US only makes up 4% of the worlds population. We are the ultimate influencers and if believe in our way of life we need to show the world we all believe it.
Don’t be on the sidelines. According to USA Facts, Lack of interest was the most common reason for not voting in 2020. 20%. That’s 113 million uninterested voters. That may have more to say about our politicians.

Are you participating?
On February 11th,123 million Americans watched Super Bowl LVIII. Now I know not all were over 18 and eligible to vote and I know not all Americans like football, me I think I like the commercials more, but that is about the same amount who voted in 2020. Even the NFL is encouraging you to vote. Go check out NFLVOTES.
Believe in what you believe
If you believe in democracy, then this is the only chance we get every 4 years. I realize that 10 % of voters on the extreme scale have their beliefs. Another 10% are wanting to be thier buddies and get the 15 minutes of attention. That leaves the other 60% to make democracy work. I know people are going to vote on who they believe can lead us in the right direction. I don’t think democracy is going to end on November 6th no matter who wins. It didn’t end with WW1 or WW2. It didn’t end with Lyndon Johnson’s debacle of the Vietnam War or Richard Nixon’s misguided Watergate. We have made it through Rock and Roll, Disco, whatever the 80’s were, and all the music of the 21st Century. Democracy will prevail. As Alexis de Tocqueville said,” Instruct democracy, if possible to reanimate its beliefs, to purify its motives, to regulate its movements, to substitute little by little the science of affairs for its inexperience, and knowledge of its true instincts for its blind instincts; to adapt its government to time and place; to modify it according to circumstances and men: such is the first duty imposed on those who direct society in our day”.
Sincerely and God Bless,