Do you live for drama or are you surprised by all the drama in our lives? Drama saturates our lives. News, sports, finances, and of course family. So, are you just looking for the next dramatic event that is current or do you smile and just say “What”?
Turn on the TV or check your social media. Everywhere we turn someone is trying to get your attention with the drama in this world. Even our local news tries to over emphasize the events in our lives. Advertisers try to make things dramatic by selling products that will simplify our lives with their products.
At what point do you smile and let the drama just slide by. It seems the most successful and productive people let it slide. Most situations are just so out of touch or made to look like the one involved is the victim and gives them the right to bring drama into our lives.

So how do we limit the drama? Do we get so involved in our sports teams that we can’t control our emotions? How many fights at stadiums or inside our homes are a result of our passion. How many arguments over politics result in out-of-control responses.
Most of the events in this world do not affect our lives to the extent that our actions show. Can we prioritize our reactions to dramas that are important. Of course, sometimes a drama is really a drama. Then it’s time to go to a plan to relieve the stress. Lay out the facts. Lay out possible solutions. Prioritize the reactions and see which ones can really help. Turn the drama into a life lifting reaction, not some “blow up in your face” situation. And as always, this is just one man’s opinion.
Sincerely and God bless,