It Feels So Good to Be Understood!
Now I didn’t say it feels so good to be right. I really don’t have to be right, just understood. If I feel understood, then I will listen to what follows. Disagreements or agreement are valuable. If this feeling is great for me, then how would someone I’m talking to would feel. When you’re conversing or discussing a subject, just take the time to listen to their position and then say I understand how you feel. Then the next question or comment will be received with more importance.

We would all like to be right all the time, but more importantly we need to be understood. So, opinions or beliefs come from circumstances that we might have any idea bout. Other come from similar experiences. Both have the ability to help you understand where the other is coming from and should help the other understand your point of view also. With all the polarity of subjects in the world it just seems some problems could be solved it we just understood the other side.
We can be mature enough. Then adversity and sympathy and peace will overcome the topic. Who doesn’t want a better home or community or nation. With the many challenges ahead in our personal and professional lives we need peace and direction. Try understanding first, then peace. And as always, this is just one man’s opinion.
Sincerely and God bless