Lost by a Lemon Slice
Ever lost a game by a point? Maybe it was a last second basket or run or goal. It’s never fun to lose, but losing by just a little bit can cause heartache. Sometimes I would rather just get drummed than lose by a slim margin.
When you lose just barely you have to replay everything to try and figure out what went wrong, over and over. Even though you can’t replay it that way ever again. Something is always different. If you lose by a bunch, then easier to just start all over.

But the real feeling is losing and winning. Being optimistic or pessimistic. It really doesn’t matter if you lost by a little or a lot. You’re learning and have the gift of being able to play the game. And after all it’s just a game and some people don’t ever get to play games.
It is frustrating like the one that lost by a lemon slice. It was a cooking contest, on Master Chef, and the chefs had to replicate a dish from a photo. And he plated a great dish except for one slice of lemon he forgot to place on the plate before time was up. The other dishes had all the components, so no matter how well it tasted he lost. Was it really sad, sure. But he was also in the top 3 so you see how many contestants didn’t even get to experience that moment.
So, if you win or lose, enjoy the moment and don’t act like a fool. Your blessed for being able to have the chance. And as always, this is just one man’s opinion.
Sincerely and God bless