Sunrise Or Sunset?
Are you a morning person that gets up early and loves the darkness turning into glorious daybreak? A cup of coffee or tea and sit and watch as the new day comes into existence? Maybe your the one who dreams of sitting on a beach somewhere and watching the beautiful sunsets. Having your favorite drink and letting the day wash away. Both of you are enjoying what makes our world so wonderful.

Sometimes you switch and enjoy the other’s love of the day. Whichever you are, continue your journey and use the moment to uplift your spirits. Sunrises and Sunsets are our gifts. It validates that our world is the most special. It validates that we humans are the most special alive. Make the most of your time between the beginning and end of our days. These are the only ones we get. And as always, this is just one man’s opinion.

Be sure to set your clocks back an hour this Saturday. Your Sunrise and Sunset will be an hour earlier on Sunday.
Sincerely and God Bless,