What’s the price of eggs?!
The economy is the number 1 issue among voters. We have seen prices increase at the grocery store but what is the reason? The most important thing that drives the economy, if not the only thing, is Supply and Demand. So, what to do about eggs. Can we tell the chickens to work harder and supply more or stop eating so many eggs in our diet?

The problem is that it’s just not that simple, but complex. Fuel to get the eggs to market process and handling fees:). And then convincing WALMART INC. (WMT) to not price them so high! Try telling that to their Board of Directors. They, like most companies, like their bottom line to look great for their stock price. Let’s all buy chickens again and begin producing our own. increase the supply and then the price of eggs will come down.
But what of fuel, and shipping, and processing. Current situation with shipping may be a tipping point. See it’s complicated. Big companies like Target, Best Buy, McDonalds, and of course Walmart service what comes in the door. Maybe the egg producers could give us a way to get a chicken leg up (pun Intended). We are all in this together. And as always this is just one man’s opinion
Sincerely and God Bless