Problems with Transgender issues? Follow the Money
Transgender issues are the talk of the town. In fact it’s one of the pillars of our Super Pac. It is imperative that we stand up today to opposition of Transwomen in sports. Men should not need to or be able to compete against girls and women. That’s not to say that anyone should be bullied, harrassed, or intimidated by there beliefs or preferences. If you don’t like what they are about just walk away. You’re probably not going to convince them to change.
The issue has been a political campaign item in 2024 from both sides of the isle. States are having to make their own agendas and laws because the federal government won’t stand up for the issue. I also see the trans community seeing the abolishment of transwomen in sports as a trojan horse, just like gun rights proponents are. Many state are now trying to restrict trans care also. It is an issue that should be looked at, because there is no transgender affirmation. It’s a fact that the LGBTQ community is using it as as a means of legitimizing being Gay. So why is it so hard to get a standard passed that will regulate this forever. Follow the money!! At Jomo Super Pac you can join the fight for a federal law that will ban transwomen from playing a female sport. We must fight the misinformation from the so called educated who decide that the science is real.
Follow the Money

Who is really making the big bucks in this battle of transitioning young Americans. The issue doesn’t really affect most Americans like the price of eggs. The group that is making the most money is the medical community. The AMA has embraced the concept that if a person feels on the inside that they are another gender then it must be real and they can fix it. From Gender Dysphoria to Gender affirming surgeries and all types of counseling, both for the young and for their parents. The medical community is selling a lie because it makes them money. Gender reassignment surgery costs between $5,000 and $140,000. I do realize that young people do struggle with who they are and what place they have in this world. The way society is structured with the influence of money, the influence of sports and just the general influence of popularity kids get depressed. I get it. But a Y is a Y.
XY and XX

Their is no doctor on this planet that can change a male Y chromosome to a Female X. That’s the rub. The medical establishment is selling that they can transition you to the other sex. But can they? Who does a transwomen go see as their doctor. Lady doctor or Man doctor. If a transwomen marries a straight man, doesn’t that make the husband gay also. If a transwomen marries a female then isn’t the transwomen just straight? And they medical groups feed on these issues like they can be fixed. There is not a doctor on the planet that can change a Y to an X. And we will never be able to. Wonder what Caitlyn/Bruce Jenner would say? Or any other said transwoman.
We must establish a line
So where are the boundaries being pushed. High school girls teams are having to fight on their own. Moms and dads are showing up with XX wristbands to protest another teams use of a boy playing girls sports (trans girl) and are being arrested. College Volleyball teams are forfeiting conference matches to protest a male transitioning to a female and the opponent We had an uproar in the 2024 Olympics over Transwomen in female categories (still questionable as whether she was). It has to stop. Men are not women!!
Now that we will have a new President and Congress this January, it is time to get to work and establish a boundary. Our little girls can’t be subjected to this type of dishonor. Young college girls do not need to be discriminated against in their pursuit of playing college sports. Please join us as we have the chance to make the law for generations to come. And as always, This is just one man’s opinion.
Sincerely and God Bless,