Who’s your Top 5? Top 10?

Movie Stars, professional athlete, Foods, or TV show. Where did you go to? I want to know if you could pick 5 people to put in a room to solve some major issue in America, who would you choose. Ideally, I would pick 10 and put them in a secure room and not let them come out till some real plans are conceived. Kinda like the 1787 Constitutional Convention!
Let’s pick 5 though. the 5 richest, Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Ellison, Gates, Page, Brin? No, I’ll take Buffett. 5 best politicians? NO. We’ve been trying this and look at where we are. But I will pick one that has been in Politics. Condoleezza Rice. The most intelligent and genuine women I’ve watched and read about.
The Next Best
5 Generals? When talking to military people who have served the last 24 years, they will tell you it hasn’t been much of a difference whoever has been president. War takes over politics when it hits close to home. I would pick a retired Lieutenant General who went in and helped the people of New Orleans, Russell Honore’.

Top 5 Science and technology gurus. Again Musk, the Google ones, Facebook/Meta? No. Fei-Fei Li. A Brilliant and pragmatic scientist. How about the most famous religious leader. The Pope? Graham, Warren, Washer, Wimber? My choice is a pastor out of Denton, Texas. Tommy Nelson. He has the most biblical and common sense approach to presenting the truth, both biblical and political.
We The People
Who’s your Top 5? The next few years are going to be a transformation in our country. Where are we going? Isolationist? World leader? Peacemaker? Can we build a better world in technology, economy, and right versus wrong? We are the only ones who can choose. Choose wisely in the people you want to lead us and our children and grandchildren. And as always, this is just one man’s opinion.
Sincerely and God Bless